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What is Parents As Teachers?

Parents as Teachers (PAT) is an early-learning program for parents with children prenatal to kindergarten entry.  


Parents as Teachers is a FREE & FUN early learning program offering:

  • research-based information on how children grow and develop;

  • types of activities and toys that will foster learning and nurture development;

  • methods of positive discipline; new techniques for problem solving; realistic expectations of child behavior; and

  • attitudes that will raise children's self esteem


Parents as Teachers is designed to give children the best possible start in life and prepare them for school success by supporting parents in their role as their children's 1st & most influential teachers.


Parents as Teachers:    

  • Increases parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices.

  • Provides early detection of developmental delays and health issues. Reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect

  • Increases children’s school readiness and school success 

Program Components

Parent Educators

Personal Home Visits:
Certified parent educators provide home visits on a regular basis. Visit times are flexible to meet families' needs.


Group Connections:

Opportunities for parents to meet other families with young children, share ideas, and interact with their children in a group setting.  â€‹

Screenings can reassure parents when the child is developing on target and identify concerns early to assist with further ideas and/or resources.

Resource & Referrals:
Parent Educators help to connect famlies with a variety of resources and referrals in the community based on the child's or family's needs.
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